Thursday, September 26, 2019

report writing

Report writing

This my report writing about the endeavour the death of captain james cook the fish of maui and a little bit about kupe there are facts near the bottom. 

Maui was a voyager and he had five brothers (roto mua pae taha) maui was also the one to pull up the north island from the sea.
Maui got his hook from his father he hid his food constantly until his father pulled out his bottom jawbone which was magical. 
Maui and his brothers made five ropes out of a material traveled to the edge and lassoed the sun slowing it so that everyone could do more things. 
Maui was given no bait from his brothers for making them paddle for so long so he used his own blood as bait then he pulled up a mantaray and the brothers hacked out some of it and it became the north island.

Captain James cook 

Captain James cook was a officer and a voyager he had a ship called the endeavour he had 94 crewmembers aboard with him. 
His first travel was between 1768 and 1771 his second travel was between 1772 and 1775 his third and final travel was in between 1776 and 1780 it was his last one because he died around 1779. The ship he traveled on the was the endeavour. 
Captain James cook died when in hawaii at kealakekua bay he left then came back for repairs and then killed on his second visit. 

 the Endeavour

.1 the endeavour had 94 crew members aboard creating stories all over the place for nearly 18 months. 

.2  there objective was to observe a rare event with the planet venus moving across the sun. 

.3 they also had a secret job to discover huge south land and claim it for their country england 

.4 it was a long three year journey built up our history it was the ship that the objective possible. 

.5 but unlucky it sank many years ago and it’s full wreckage has never been discovered. 

.6 in the 1980’s some people helped build a fantastic replica of the glories 18th century endeavour. 

.7 the ship sailed about exactly the same way as the replica

.8 at this day in age the replica is now docked at port so people can come aboard and explore the wonders of the 18th century.


Kupe was brought to New Zealand from how long it took kupe to pursue a giant octopus in a canoe.
 Kupe safely navigate all the way to aotearoa using the ancient matauranga of way finding also by the stars the waves the sealife and the 
Mana of tangaroa. 
kupe’s wife saw a long white cloud and knew it was land so she named it aotearoa. 

 three questions that I would ask kupe
.1 How did you feel while
Chasing the octopus.
.2 If you were not chasing the octopus what would you be doing.
.3 What is your lifetime goal.
Kupe was a great chief and came to new zealand by chasing a giant octopus. Also he was not the one to find new zealand he was the one to see new zealand thinking it was a long white cloud.

Thank you for reading my report about kupe the endeavour the death of Captain James Cook and the fish of maui.


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Anne Frank diary animation

This is my Ann frank animation this the part when Ann frank realised that buildings where being bombed and searched i chose this part because of the shock and worry that builds up inside. what i found hard was turning this animation into a gif and posting it. what i found easy was getting the shapes and turning them into buildings and a jet.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

pigeon impossible

                                                                                                                           :hero’s name walter becket
:date october 24th
:time 2:14 in the afternoon
:year 2003 seven days till halloween
:location washington dc

It was a normal day in washington dc until the impossible happened a local businessman named walter becket who worked at a coffee bean shipping company he walked away for his lunch break when someone handed him a briefcase and then this what he had to say “ahem uhh local people of washington dc my name is mason starwell and i was attacked by a small pigeon” he activated an atomic bomb      

Walter becket does not know                           an atomic bomb was launched 
How the pigeon got in the briefcase                 it was heading for russia the                 
But he knew that the pigeon was                     bomb reach about 432 km in 
After his bagel. this impossible                         the air before walter becket
Story has cause purechaos                               flu up and destroyed the bomb 
Across the city not only that                             the city is now being fixed. 
But when the pigeon calmed down                    a chunk of the bomb fell from
The bagel was tossed in the air                         the sky and is now being put in
And landed on the launch button                        the scrap yard that is all for the 

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

the drop

The line was just as large as my fear my stomach clogged My throat as the line grew shorter then it got to 
The point that i could hear the count down “5 4 3 2 1”
Whoosh! I saw all of them plummet with no fear. 
“Wow” i said aloud
After that it felt like i was slowly chewing bricks then 
The time had come i quickly sat down put the 
Safety on then it started to go up
My fear had overcome me then drop my body felt like
I was going up but i knew i was going down then i
Look down then my mind exploded.

Everyone got off the ride because they were mortified
But i stayed on because i wanted to go again but little did 
I know this time was going to be extremely terrifying.   

while writing this true story i felt open and glad to talk about this story
the thing i learned after. what enjoyed was editing because next time i could get it
right what i found hard on the other hand was staying focus
and not talking to my friends.